Convert Youtube Videos Into Mobile Phone Format

Smartphones these days double up as a portable movie player. If you are like me, a poor dude who could not spend too much money on paying for songs or movies, the free option out there is Youtube. You can play the same video thousand times and it is still free. How about converting those videos into mobile phone format and you can play it whenever you like it to be. If you are searching the net for such a guide, congratulations this is the place where you are not alone. A miserable scourge out there like me finds that there is a need to rip videos off Youtube and convert them into mobile phone format.
In this guide, I will make use of free software for all the procedures required to get the Youtube video into your phone. Yes I am a fucker and it is not against any piracy laws etc, since Youtube videos are meant to be played and replayed.
Step 1 – Download Youtube videos via Firefox
There is an excellent plugin that allows you to rip Youtube videos right off, no hassle no mess, and the best part is that this plugin allows you to choose between the various playback quality. If you intend to play the video on a bigger screen, then download a version that is better. If you intend to have it on a mobile device, just download the smallest 280p version and it will be clear and crisp on a mobile device.
Look for a Firefox plugin called Download helper. After installing this plugin, it will show up beside the address bar, in between the arrows to move one page forward or backward and the URL bar. As long as you are in a video that is downloadable via this plugin, it will start spinning and turn from grey to red. Tap on it to download videos off Youtube.
The downloaded contents will be placed in a folder called “dwhelper”, in your C:\users\username. If you are using Windows XP, it will be under documents and settings\username\dwhelper.
Step 2 – Convert the videos
The downloaded videos will be in mp4 format which is already playable in most devices. But the file size may be huge since the resolution is larger. So it is better to convert it to a smaller resolution to save space and a perfect fit for a mobile screen. Videos that are too big may cause undue stress and slow down the phone when playing those videos.
There is a free video converter called Any Video Converter that you can use. It is such an outstanding player that it has a ton of ready made presets that allow you to choose from. Simply drag and drop the file you have downloaded from the download helper into the Any Video Converter and proceed to choose between the various devices out there and click convert. Wait for it to be done and volia, copy it to your device and enjoy all the music videos to your hearts content without using any extra data plan.
That’s it. Simple isn’t it. 2 steps is all it takes to Convert Youtube Videos Into Mobile Phone Format. Given the amount of video streaming sites out there in the net. Who knows you can even download entire movies and drama series and pop them right into your mobile device. If you have a good movie streaming site to recommend, enter in the comments section below. No spamming of personal blogs please. Thank you.
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