Connect USB Keyboard and USB Mouse Onto Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

It is possible to connect USB keyboard and USB mouse onto Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich device. Tablets have a large screen and therefore it is useful to connect USB keyboard and USB mouse onto Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich device. Unknown to many, as long as you have an Android 4.0 ICS device, there is a default USB Host support for you to hook up USB devices. However, it does require some additional hardware before you can get an USB keyboard and mouse to work. In this guide I will show you how to do so.
Things you will need to connect an USB keyboard and mouse onto your Android 4.0
1. Self powered USB HUB
There are USB hubs that have additional power jacks that allow you to supply power to it. Not many of us use such USB hubs by default. One example will be such hubs that come with power adapters.
2. USB Y cable
These are special USB cables that allow you to provide power to the connection. I recommend buying USB Y cables that have the same USB on all 3 ends. This makes everything a whole lot customizable. In my screenshot, I have 2 ends with USB and 1 end with mini usb.
3. USB female to female converter
It is recommended to get a few of these, so that you can easily convert the USB connecting ends into the appropriate socket versions.
4. Keyboard and mouse of course.
I recommend the use of wireless ones simply because it gives you a lot more room and instead of tussling with additional wires.
How to connect USB Keyboard and USB Mouse Onto Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
There are actually 2 major ways to do the connection. I will insert in the form of screenshots, this makes everything a whole lot clearer, after all, a picture says a thousand words.
Version 1
Version 2
Note that you can supply power to your hub using real power from wall sockets. But I am using examples that are more portable where by you can make use of portable chargers as the power source.
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